We've had family visit (posts to come), we've had old friends visit (posts to come), and we've been spending most of our summer hosting new friends (post to follow right now).
I coordinate the email and website for our large, very active homeschool group. Every so often, new people contact us and want to join or find out more information. Six months ago today, a new family contacted us and joined our mailing list. The dad, being the main one at home and therefore the main one home educating the children, wanted to make sure our group was open and welcome to stay-at-home dads. I wrote back right away that he'd definitely found the right group -- our group is inclusive and welcome to all and MANY dads are involved, so I knew he'd fit in just fine. What I didn't know then is that this family, here only temporarily as the wife is a traveling nurse, would very quickly and easily become some of our closest friends. We have clicked with them in a way that feels like we've known them forever and not just for 6 months. And we are already so sad that they're leaving in a few weeks.
But this post is going to focus on the positive and happy, not the sad! So, as I was saying, this new family contacted me and started attending this past winter when they moved up from Arkansas. The dad, Dave, is the main homeschooling parent. The mom, Christie, is the traveling nurse. And their two boys, Rich and Brennan, are two super cute kids who just warm our home with their very presence and adorable southern drawls (I can't say no to anything they ask when it starts with a sweet, "Miss Stacy, Are y'all fixin' to . . .").
Christie is already at home in our kitchen, making dessert!
at their apartment during their 1st assignment --
Christie was sleeping (she works nights)
and Dave and I were talking politics, parenting,
history, and generally solving all world problems.
Well, how often does it happen where you have one of those situations where the parents hit it off AND the kids hit it off, both families are always up for going out to dinner and then ice cream, both families like just enough of the same kinds of music, books, and movies to have tons in common while also having just enough different tastes to be excited to share new things with one another, and both families have similar(ish) backgrounds and experiences in a very broad, big-picture, meaning-of-life way that you're amazed at just how cosmically connected you already are? Not often. But it's happened with us and the Johnsons.
Dude, even our dog loves them.
The kids getting ready to hunt Easter eggs
no matter how many clues the children gave him
(Note their frustration)
Our families, besides being capable of putting copious amounts of food away at all different kinds of restaurants and always having room for dessert (usually Friendly's), can also talk FOR HOURS. And the fun part is that we can spend one evening laughing so hard telling stories, we hurt for 2 days afterward, and spend the next talking about deep, more serious and poignant things, blinking back tears mid-conversation. And that, I think, is pretty dang special.
and having fun at their own table
(We have this down to a science when we go out)
So, they came to our area for 3 months and we spent that time, from day 1, hitting it off and finding so much commonality as well as a strong desire to spend much more time together. So, since the 3 months flew by much too quickly and since the weather is just too beautifully mild to pass up (really, other than MAYBE a week or two TOTAL of uncomfortable heat and humidity, our summers are mild, temperate, fair, sunny, and beautiful), they decided to take their next 13-week assignment near here so we could work on that "spending much more time together" part. And boy have we!
we'd avoided getting hit by foul balls (barely)
and we were hungry
and we keep college-like hours
and we're always up for late-night fun,
what can I say?
Since they moved a little over an hour away for that second assignment, when they do come down on Christie's days off between nursing shifts, we make a long weekend (or mid-week stay) out of it so that they're not driving back and forth over and over again (they still come down for homeschool stuff or for Rich's hockey lessons or dentist appointments, etc.). So, except for when they've traveled out of state for other road trips, we've spent several days of every week with them since they moved up there in May.
we were at Friendly's again
that we did not get escorted out of the restaurant this night --
I hadn't laughed that hard in ages.
Mark and I had headaches and pains in our cheeks for at least 2 days.
It was awesome.
And though they are taking their next assignment close to their families in Arkansas, they'll be back up north eventually. They love Boston (and so do we!) and are trying to get assignments in the New England area as much as possible. Dave has a congenital heart condition (he'll be on a transplant list soon) that has him visiting Tufts in Boston regularly and now that he's met our family, he has places to stay in MA instead of hotels (thank you, Mom and Cathy!). I won't get into the heart issue on here, because it sucks and honestly just makes me sad (besides being long and complicated to explain), but Dave has blogged about it on his blog, so you can see more there (they've actually written a lot about us and the fun we've been having, whereas I have been more blog negligent). Suffice it to say, that between their love of PA and MA and our mutual admiration society, we're sure to be in touch as much as possible from now on.
For a hilarious account of this day
as well as how we conducted ourselves
during this, ahem, meal,
please read Dave's recap.
With their overnight visits, our house has taken on the atmosphere of a perpetual frat party this summer and though we've been having fun and laughing and quoting Friends (Yes! They quote Friends, too!) and staying up like we're in our 20s, we're all feeling it the next morning as we shuffle around the house yawning and rubbing our backs and necks and mumbling things like, "I'm not 25 anymore" and "I can't keep hours like this" and "Where's the Geritol?" And yet, by their next visit, we're willingly and gladly doing it all over again, squeezing in every minute we can together.
at the Renaissance Fair's Flavor Fest --
We really should've eaten more here -
the Flavor Fest was apparently more about
wine flavors than food flavors.
to chuck glass as hard as they could against a wall
-- very satisfying!

we went out for Chinese at a place downtown
and then ice cream at our old-fashioned ice cream shop in town
talking and talking and talking
they were replaced soon after this picture
It really works out well --the 4 kids go upstairs and play for hours on end without any issues whatsoever. It's impressive -- 4 kids all different ages who get along like old pals playing any number of different games. They are great! And we 4 adults (and Scout!) hang out downstairs and talk and laugh and talk and laugh and talk and talk and talk for hours on end (seriously, watching the 4 of us talk is a sight to behold -- we can easily half finish about 60 different conversations in the space of 20 minutes). And between all of that, we eat. Mostly, we eat out together, but every so often, we also cook for each other and, oh, the feasts!
we went with several other families
to an AWESOME old-fashioned park
(free parking, free entrance, pay by the ride,
cheap GOOD food, take your dog) --
this deserves (and will get) a post of its own.
Anyway, we brought Dave and boys back with us
while Christie worked.
And then she came down when she was done.
And then we took their family to a scouting event where . . .
they gave everyone a spoon and
surprised the kids with a aluminum foil-lined
rain gutter filled with ice cream sundaes.
Thing 2, grossed out by it, wanted NO part of it
(I love this picture).
When he found out he could have his own sundae,
he ran up to Brennan and said,
"You don't have to do this!!"
(The other 3 totally dug in).
So, a little about them. Dave is a super easy-going guy who is a musician/drummer/guitarist/singer as well as a total brainiac. He reads voraciously, especially fantasy, and totally geeks out on anything related to mobile devices or Star Wars (oh, the references he and Mark can come up with!). Dave is a great dad who is so patient and down to earth with his boys and so passionately wants to share every good thing he knows with them. He is sarcastic and has a quick wit and is a hysterically funny storyteller who can talk about anything and everything under the sun. He reminds me so much of my guy friends growing up. When I was a kid/teenager, other than my few close girlfriends, I generally got along better with guys than girls (far less drama and so much easier to be around) and Dave totally has that vibe about him -- just so EASY to feel comfortable around him and to be his friend.
Christie is a gem. If, because I said she's from Arkansas, you're picturing either a hillbilly or a Southern Belle, think again. She is neither of those. She is a hard-working, no-nonsense, smart-as-a-whip, take-no-crap spitfire who is generous and kind and compassionate and knows her way around hospitals, kitchens, big cities, and pocketknives like no other. What you see is what you get with Christie and I like that about her. When she's upset, she doesn't try to pretend she's not. And when she's happy, her face lights up like a school girl's. And she gets that same look on her face when she looks at Dave, who she simply and unequivocally adores.
(And hands down, THE best southern refried beans
I have ever had -- it's the stuff of legends).
we went to the Waldrons' to swim,
but instead got ushered into the basement
until the tornado warning (I kid you not) was over.
Then, the kids watched a movie.
They also entertained us with rap music
and choreography later that night.
during her visit here --
she fell in love with them
and they love her, too.
random people singing Beatles' songs on the street,
hot dogs wrapped in pretzels,
Amish people selling potholders,
Nigerian vendors selling kumquats,
farmers selling scrapple
(it's that thing of when you take all the leftover pig parts,
mix it with jelly,
and serve it as a food).
it's more tradition than anything else,
so after a fun, long day in lots of tourist season traffic,
we went to Houlihan's for late-night eating at Happy Hour!
Mark's favorite --
of homemade biscuits and gravy.
We also had Granny's eggs, fruit, juice . . . it was all so yummy.
Christie, being the sweetheart that she is,
had practiced making the gravy at their house
the whole week before so she could prepare it for us!
(We really do cook and bake for them, too,
but they usually take pictures of that and we don't --
again, see Dave's blog)
and we were all going crazy
because we hadn't seen them in, like, two and a half weeks,
so we were thrilled when we saw each other!
Bonus that we got to meet Dave's parents
who were on a road trip of their own!
They were so kind to take us all to lunch as a thank you
for being good to their kids.
What they didn't know is that
their friendship is thanks enough. :)
There are more adventures ahead, but I wanted to write this post before they leave. I honestly feel so strongly that our lives are greatly enriched having the Johnsons in them. Those who don't know them are truly missing out. And anyone lucky enough to get to know them has inherited friends indeed. We will miss them so much, but are so glad that we'll always be in touch.
This post only shows half the fun we have with them. :)
This post does have EVERYTHING! It's the hottest new post on the internet! Great recap of the Summer of '11--all fun all the time!
I would have commented sooner but I was "truuudd in an atm vwbubel with Jauernnnee Luuuudummmmddrrr!!!" (I had to get a semi-private joke in somewhere, on principle). You know what I mean. Also, your check is in the mail, haha.
Wow, what a busy, crazy, fun summer it's been. It would take too long here to count all the ways we appreciate you guys. Who knew we would become such good friends so quickly? You guys are awesome, your kids are awesome, your dog is awesome. You have EVERYTHING. Freaks and Geeks, Dutch Babies, Michael Bub'le...
We will miss you all so much - I can't imagine what our first experience travelling would have been like without you. We'll be back and we'll definitely hang out in Boston in the future. In the meantime, we can be reached at #1 Yemen Road, Yemen.
Wow. Good friends like that are hard to come by. You guys are blessed.
and speaking of the southern drawl, we have some new neighbors from Biloxi. Their grandkids came with them just for the summer and our kids played nonstop all day every day for weeks on end. I was so sad they had to go. But my favorite was when they said "Miss Emily, is it okay if I give Zoe a popsicle?" or something along those lines. I love the "miss". So cute.
What great friends to have! Even if you hadn't told us great things about them, I'm pretty sure Dave and I could be buds...I saw at least 2 Beatles in those pics! :)
Okay, on my second read-thru I've discovered two things:
1) We should be getting major discounts at Friendly's at this point
2) I own way too many Rush t-shirts (as if there's such a thing)
The great thing about all these pictures is that despite some of the bummer things that have happened these last few months, we are happy in all these pictures. I honestly don't know how we would have kept out sanity wihout you guys. I fear you've been our shoulder to cry on a bit too much, but we don't take anything about you for granted. I also fear all our other assignments from here forward will be lackluster by comparison because of you. So I guess what I'm saying is thanks alot for totally screwing up our future travel adventures. Geez!
You're right, this post really made me miss college. Only wish that you could bring some of that fun to New Mexico.
Thanks for the comments, everyone. You're all welcome to come join in on the fun anytime. One thing, though. The Johnsons have to COME BACK!! At least for now, there's Skype and Texts and Email and Phone and . . . but it's not the same. We really miss them and I'm glad it's mutual or we'd surely come across as crazy stalkers . . .
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