Friday, March 8, 2013

More Random Thoughts

Really enjoying my birthday this year.
Feeling very appreciative of thoughtful family and friends.


It is strange to me that people are very particular
 about who they let sleep at their house,
 but some seem to have no qualms
 about letting their kids sleep at strangers' homes elsewhere.


Ever see those big huge family pictures and think,
 "That is so not our extended family?"
Yeah, me, too.


We haven't sat down to a big, huge, extended family dinner
since 2009.


Thing 1 is LOVING volunteering at the library.


Thing 2 has a couple of friends who are boys
who shyly admitted that they like "My Little Pony."
Well, a while back,
 as a consequence,
I had found an episode of "My Little Pony,"
to help teach a lesson on some topic.
After "torturing" (his words, not mine) Thing 2
with this method, he admitted that it wasn't so bad.
Well, when his friends shared with him that they like it,
he told them, "It's okay. I've seen it and it's pretty good."
I think that is SUPER sweet of him.
He's a very empathic person.
I hate gender stereotypes
and we try not to reinforce them in our family.


Thing 1 told me that she heard a statistic that said
that kids laugh over 400 times a day
whereas adults laugh 17 times a day.
How have I turned into one of these people?!?
Now, every time anything comes up about mortgages
or bills or work, we're all, "This is why."
Which only reinforces the point. :/


I just used the word "reinforce" twice.
Now three times.


A sneak peek at our kids' personalities:
Thing 2 dropped a cookie on the floor, picked it up, and made a face
that showed he was both grossed out and sorry to waste a cookie.
(I believe it was a girl scout cookie, so he had good reason).
It was so quick that I told him to brush it off and that it was fine
(which is saying something, because I'm a total germaphobe -
something I have apparently passed on to my son,
but not so much to my daughter).
He looked at me and said, "Are you sure?"
I shrugged and responded off-handedly with, 
"If you're grossed out, give it to your sister."
 Thing 1 immediately outstretched her hand with a smile.


If I had a time machine,
I'd visit the 80s.
Not to relive my childhood (in fact, no thank you),
but simply because the 80s were SUCH a great time.
No stress, no fuss, just good movies and music and fun.


So, I read this article the other day,
and one of the tips just blew me away.
I was so annoyed at the story in that tip,
that I scrolled down to read through the comments,
sure that someone else would be just as outraged.
It took me quite a while of scrolling down to find
where someone finally said something about it.
Everyone was carrying on
 about other tips that bothered them,
but most seemed nonplussed about a tip
 that was glaringly problematic to me.
Do you see it?
Hint: It has less to do with dieting
and more to do with lousy friends
and being a wimp.


The other day in the kitchen during breakfast,
we were listening to music and I was hearing songs that took
me back to my childhood and adolescence in that way that music does.
I started thinking about how excited we get about these things
and how, so often, 
I want my kids to have (and love) the great things I loved in childhood - 
my favorite toys, games, experiences, songs, TAPES, movies . . . 
and I do share those, 
but part of the wonder of being a kid
 is making your OWN childhood memories
 based on your own experiences and tastes and discoveries.
 I love getting to be a part of that
 and observing their evolving personalities, beliefs, and likes.
Champion who they are and not try to make them into something else.


Thing 1 is officially taller than I am.
Also, she is funny and witty and beautiful.
Thing 2 is sweet and thoughtful and honest.
(And such a cutie.
 Little girls are developing crushes on this boy!)
Have I mentioned that I love these kids?
I really, really do.

I got a nice compliment this past week from a woman who said
that she and her husband often discuss how nice our kids are
and how much they like and admire and enjoy them.
Wow, that is so nice!


By the way,
our kids have been blogging a bunch.
I'm sure they'd love visits and comments!


Thing 2 is always using these big words for his age.
It's hilarious.
Recently, it was "collaborate."
He comes downstairs one night a couple of weeks ago
and says with a huge smile,
 "I've been reading and thinking about if the Johnsons moved here
 - I really hope they do! -
 and Brennan and I really like to make games
 and we can collaborate and grow up and have a business together.
 I told Brennan that and Brennan (who, by the way, is 7) said,
 'But you'll be working for me,'
 and I told him, 'We'll talk about that when you get here.'"

Thing 1, soon after this, correctly used the term "thinly-veiled."
Yeah, we're raising nerds.

Here is a list of 5 true confessions.
And this is not one of those things
 where you try to sound like you have a "problem"
 that is really a strength (like in job interviews).
1. I have been dealing with chronic neck pain for over 18 years.
2. I love blog comments and they make me happier than most people realize.
3. I often have a messy (for me) house. Clean, but messy. Very lived in.
I used to think I'd be an immaculate housekeeper. Nope. And fine by me.
4. I am VERY easily distracted and don't always finish projects.
5. I sometimes let fear hold me back
 (financial fears, fear of being in trouble, fear of hurting others).


Along those lines,
there is a great quote from the movie Garden State:
 "I'm okay with being unimpressive. I sleep better."

My husband is awesome.
He totally cleaned the house this weekend,
while I caught up on emails and such.
And then he told me
 that the fact that I've been writing a blog post
and chatting with his friend online
while doing so,
makes him very happy.
How lucky am I?!?


The other day, I saw a phrase I really like.
"School-Free Life" -
I like that better than "homeschooling" or "unschooling."

I love floor plans.


People can say things until they're blue in the face.
But actions show what one TRULY values.
"I can't hear your words - your actions are too loud."
I see this go both ways - people showing they truly care
and showing they truly don't.
Talk is cheap. Actions are powerful.


Two non-words I cannot stand:
"Prolly" and "Imma"
I seriously got an email from someone this week
who used the word "prolly"
and I wanted to reach through the screen and throttle someone,
screaming, "It's PROBABLY. That is ONE more freaking syllable.
Is that so hard?!?"
And Imma? Really? As in, "I'm going to . . ."?
As in song lyrics like "Imma love you" and "Imma be your man?"
I'm waiting for the line that says "Imma moron."


We were watching Big Bang Theory
and they were eating fondue.
So of course we paused the Tivo
and made fondue to eat
while watching the rest of the show.
What else was there to do?



Lindsay said...

I love reading these posts and "tolly" (totally) picture your kids facial expressions when you talk about things they say or are doing. We miss you guys and are glad that things are going well! Sorry I don't always comment! I am actually sitting at the computer and not reading from my phone, so it is easier to comment. Let's chat soon!

Dr. Mark said...

Imma prolly leave a short comment here, since you love comments.

Mmmmm. Fondue. How crazy is it that we had the right ingredients for a fantastic fondue in the house at that moment? I'm glad we did!

Imma brag right now. Our kids are great! Often they surprise me at how awesome they are. I learn so much from them (prolly more than they learn from me sometimes).

I love hearing your random thoughts, although they aren't so random to me since I (somehow) know your train of thought (most of the time).

Imma stop using "Imma" and "prolly." ;)

Zelia said...

I live alone. That said, anyone passing my door and hearing me lol will think I am nuts. Thatis what I did, laughed out loud with some of these random thoughts. I could totally see Kate putting her hand out to get the fallen cookie, lol.
You missed one "phrase" that makes me nuts. watchu doing . It is four words not one.

Jagged Rocks said...

Yeah those big family pictures, it totally my family. My mom is the oldest of nine.
I think I became taller then my mom around the time I was 11 or 12.
I totally agree with actions being louder than words!! I wish there were some people that would figure this out.
I agree on floor plans. They can be fun!
I hate a lot of words that people use. Like "prolly" "RU". I am not a fan of the text words!

the Lady said...

Happy belated birthday fellow Piscean!
Yes, it is quite strange about people's inconsistencies with their sleeping arrangements. And I still get a little befuddled hugging my sons that tower over me- even though it's been years now.;)

the Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

My second oldest (13) wears high heals to church on Sundays and that makes her taller than me. I've noticed that she enjoys standing next to me those days.

Emily said...

I have issues with people eating food on TV shows because it makes me crave it. Now I can't remember what show it was, (maybe Psych?) where we actually ordered Chinese food because they had it on the screen. And it made it taste that much better.

My kids don't do sleepovers. At all.

No, the big extended family pictures ARE my family. We prolly invented them. :)

Emily said...

I have issues with people eating food on TV shows because it makes me crave it. Now I can't remember what show it was, (maybe Psych?) where we actually ordered Chinese food because they had it on the screen. And it made it taste that much better.

My kids don't do sleepovers. At all.

No, the big extended family pictures ARE my family. We prolly invented them. :)

Boquinha said...

Thanks for the comments, all! So nice to hear from so many!

And happy belated birthday, B!

Emily, right there with you on the food. YUM. We don't do sleepovers either - I'm so jaded by things I've heard in therapy sessions . . .