Tuesday, November 3, 2009

4103 words and counting

I am sitting in a coffeehouse writing this post. Isn't that so freaking cliche? Oh oh. And Barbara Streisand is playing softly overhead. Now it's really cliche.

I feel like I'm starting to hit my stride. I feel like I've written a lot of set up. I'm well into my character's head and I like it. But now. Now, let the fun begin.

I feel like the book is a bit heavy so far, but that's about to change and I'm excited about that.

Mark is sitting next to me, typing out his book. Cristin is across from Mark, handwriting hers. Our kids are sitting at a nearby table drinking tall milkshakes and playing big piles of board games and doing writing exercises, including writing secret codes. They keep me grounded. I love them. Have I mentioned that? I love them.

I am finding that blogging actually helps me in my writing, so I think I'll be checking in more than I thought I would be.

Plus I appreciate the comments and questions and I think it's good accountability for me.

So, bring them on. What are your questions? I'll answer what I can in the next post.


J Fo said...

Awesome! What FUN stuff is going to begin? getting into the plot? Introducing new characters?

April (Thorup) Oaks said...

"I am finding that blogging actually helps me in my writing, so I think I'll be checking in more than I thought I would be"

I AGREE!!! When you said you weren't going to check in I thought to myself you SHOULD check in because I thought it would help your writing.


Fiction or Non-Fiction?
What is the story about?
What inspires you to write?

I could ask a lot more questions, but I don't want to keep you away from your writing too long.

bythelbs said...

Keep at it!

Cristin said...

You know what's funny...I actually remember hearing Barbara Streisand at one point at the coffeehouse. I can't remember the last time I've heard her sing! : )