Monday, December 28, 2009

Random Holiday Thoughts

I love the week between Christmas and New Year's. It is totally kick back. It feels like all we do (well, mostly) is play games and eat and relax. Love it.

Our kids got us Webkinz. Coolest gifts ever.

I love New Year's. I love that I don't do New Year's Resolutions anymore. I much prefer the "word of the year." 2009's has been "(Live) authentically." Not sure about 2010's yet. "(Live) ________" (TBD).

We love spending the holidays as a family. We are so content together.

I love holiday cookie trays and our awesome friends who share them with us.

I appreciate thoughtful gifts.

I cannot believe how much I'm enjoying having a puppy.

We went to a Dickens' Christmas and it was fantastic! All the actors were in character all evening and we were hosted by Queen Victoria, Prince Albert, and the Dickens (as well as their butler). It was hilarious and such fun! My Mom especially loved it. This may well become a yearly tradition.

I love good food. I understand that this is not holiday-specific, but such is my enjoyment of good food.

While I enjoy the kick backness of this week, I also love getting back to normal schedules afterward, too.

I love the magic of Christmas. I absolutely love our kids' total belief in Santa Claus. I still hold a grudge against my 2nd grade classmate Marie Russell for ruining the magic of Christmas for me. I'm so excited that our kids have brought it back.

I love the phrase "Merry Christmas." I love saying it. I love hearing it. It's part of that magic.

I love, love, love my family. I know that's not holiday specific either, but it merits being expressed. My husband and children are my favorite people and I love them so much.


The Rat Life said...

Love your idea about "word of the year" I too do not do New Year's Resolutions... I much prefer time to time talks with myself on what my visions are...
I love the phrase "Merry Christmas" and how I always find myself with a smile when saying it....

J Fo said...

I also love food, the holidays and your family!