Friday, January 15, 2010

Random Thoughts. Random Edition.

Pat Robertson is a moron. Honestly. So totally, totally inappropriate. I'm not a big believer in a vengeful God. I just don't buy it. I think there are natural consequences to actions and that, often, those are punishment enough. But God sending down a huge earthquake, killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people because of some sort of vengeance? Not a God I can get on board with. Therefore, Pat Robertson? Moron.

I don't get Spaghetti Dinners. If you're going to fund raise, make enchiladas or pizza, but spaghetti? I know it's cheap, but yuck. You want to draw people in, too.

I've had "Pants on the Ground" in my head. I kind of dig it.

I love to eat. Our daily 3 meals are like events for me. I am usually thinking of what we'll have at the next meal as soon as we finish eating the current meal.

Our fence got broken in July. It's January. I'm getting really ticked about it. We have called approximately 17 contractors. Only 3 have called back. And only 1 has shown up to give us a quote. Why are we begging to give these people business? Isn't it a recession? Grrrrr.

Did you hear about the Jonas brother (or whatever they're called) that got married and then announced that "sex wasn't worth the wait?" Wouldn't you just love to be his wife right now? What exactly is he saying? That he shouldn't have waited or that it was really bad? Either way, what was he trying to accomplish with that comment? Nice way to start a marriage . . .

This video is VERY awkward and totally awesome at the same time. Go Jimmy Kimmel! Leno is being such a moron. It's time to bow out. I'd say bow out gracefully, but that ship has sailed.


katie said...

I love the video clip! I didn't see that on Leno, mostly 'cause I think the show is lame, but I catch it occassionally when my hubby is watching!

J Fo said...

Funny! Kudos to Mr. Kimmel. Leno seemed a bit flustered by it. Greg and I really like Conan when we get a chance to watch and he's been really dignified about this whole thing. Great clip!

Shawn said...

Ok, so what is with the anti Leno movement?? When his show was on at 11:35, he killed in the ratings. NBC was king of late night and Letterman couldn't even come close to Leno in the ratings (except when he was announcing that he had sex with his staff, but that's a whole different subject). Leno did as he was promised and handed over the reins at the appointed hour. NBC, not wanting to lose their cash cow (no reference to weight), moved Leno to 10. The show did ok. As good as any other show in the 10pm hour. Problem is, after people watch Leno, they go to sleep. Thus, no one stayed up to watch the news and the local ratings suffered. In the meantime, Conan got killed in the ratings. Letterman was first in the 11:35 hour for the first time in 15 years. NBC saw the writing on the wall and maneuvered to (a) repair its relationship with affiliates and (b) take back the late night from CBS. What I cant figure out is (1) (I like parentheses) Why everyone is upset at Leno? He's just trying to keep his job. And (2) why is everyone coming to the defense of Conan? If they liked him so much, why didn't they watch his show? If Conan was better than Leno, then he'd win the ratings and NBC would tell Leno to take a hike, not Conan.

Just my two cents. (Given the lenth, it might be 10 cents).

And the video was funny.

J Fo, I don't think we've met. I'm Shawn. You must have missed Conan's show on Tuesday. He was anything but dignified. UTube should have a clip. If I find it, I'll post it here.

Shawn said...

I found several clips.

Dr. Mark said...

People aren't necessarily defending Conan, but I think they are sick of big business pushing people around and not living up to contracts and agreements. When the writers went on strike in Hollywood a lot of actors refused to work in order to support them. I haven't heard a lot out of Leno's mouth to suggest that he really cares about anyone but himself. That's the issue as I see it.

On a side note, what's with Leno leaving, and then just making a new show with the same format at an earlier hour? I never got it.

Rebecca said...

I found a response to Pat Robertson I thought you might like :)

Boquinha said...

Awesome Pat Robertson response.

Shawn, I think it's about keeping one's word. Leno promised 6 years ago that he would retire and hand over the reins. Who knows what other possibilities Conan either didn't think about or entertain in that time because he had been promised (in a contract no less) a job hosting the Tonight Show. Now, 7 months in, Leno's stupid earlier show tanks and so they want to put him back where he was??

As for ratings, Letterman has ALWAYS been funnier than Leno. Leno is so forced and awkward and lame in his delivery. Letterman has wit and sarcasm and cleverness. He is funny off the cuff. Leno, if unscripted, isn't funny. And, unlike Letterman, he kisses up to his guests. Totally off putting.

The truth of the matter is, Leno has always beat Letterman in ratings simply because our parents' generation isn't big on change. They watched Carson, so they stuck with Leno. That's all.

And interesting fact? Carson, when he retired, wanted Letterman to take over the show. The networks didn't want it. Letterman's easy manner and delivery far more closely resembles Carson than Leno's ever has. So even though Leno succeeded him, Carson, during his retirement, penned jokes and monologue ideas and sent them to . . . wait for it . . . Letterman.

Leno said he was done. Be done. If the ratings tank, they should work with Conan and his staff. But what they're doing is so totally lame.

Shawn said...

I'm finding the logic here somewhat difficult to follow. Hollywood is replete with broken contracts. Each time a show is piloted, a contract is signed. However, if the show bombs, then it is cancelled, the contract is broken, and the newly unemployed writers and actors try it again. Why is this any different. Leno's 10pm show tanked, amongst its other issues, and got cancelled. So did Conan's 11:35 show. So it's getting cancelled. What's the big deal??? Sure, Conan followers will miss him, just like fans of Freaks and Geeks miss Freaks and Geeks! ;)

So the "keep your word" argument just doesn't seem to resonate when applied to Hollywood.

I don't know why Leno started the 10pm show. I had a feeling it would bomb as soon as it was announced. They should have just told Conan "sorry, we're reneging" 7 months ago and left good enough alone.

Finally, (I'm long winded tonight), it doesn't really matter who one finds funnier, Leno or Letterman. Funniness is inherently subjective. While you may find Letterman more funnier than Leno, the ratings suggest that Leno is the funniest. And since television is driven by ratings, he who is the funnierest (i.e. gets higher ratings) gets the show. Is it right? Is it moral? Nope, but that's show business.

Now, since I've used enough parentheses and all possible derivations of the word funny, I'd better quit.

BTW, I personally find Letterman the more funnierer of the two. Yet oddly, if we watch late night, we end up watching Leno. What's up with that?

Boquinha said...

It's a conspiracy, Shawn! That must be why!! I think we've come full circle. Even though you prefer Letterman, you watch Leno. It's as if TV viewers are possessed . . . like they've made a pact with the devil . . . someone call Pat Robertson! I bet he knows what's up at NBC!!

Dr. Mark said...

I was going to say that Shawn was lazy and his television must have already been on NBC. I think that's why Leno's ratings were so high for so long.

I guess the big deal is that it's The Tonight Show. You expect random cancellations of sitcoms, but not the late night shows. Plus, there was this big, protracted good-bye to Leno only to welcome him back so soon. It's like when Michael Jordan "retired" to play baseball.

Emily said...

I haven't read all the comments, but in response to Shawn's first comment, here's what I think:

The deal was made a few years ago that Conan would take over the Tonight Show. He was tired of having the late show and was going to move to a different network and NBC didn't want to lose him, so they gave him 5 years and an $80 million contract (that paid whether he got the show or not). He finally got the show--moved him and his entire crew from New York to LA--and they're going to get rid of it after only a few months? I'm not saying it's Leno's fault, but I do think they should give Conan a better chance--WITHOUT an hour-long show just like his right before it. And also, Leno's ratings are horrible because the show's not funny anymore. NBC shouldn't have put Leno on in primetime 5 nights a week. That was their mistake, not Conan's or Leno's.

Boquinha said...

Wow, Em. Excellent point about giving Conan a chance without having an hour-long Leno show right before his. I hadn't even thought of that.

J Fo said...

Holy Cow! Thanks for the clips Shawn. I just think that whole thing is sad and funny. It's sad because the host really have no say in it; they're just the pawns of the network. But I do think that all the banter and jabs at each other is pretty funny. What else can you do but laugh when you have no control over what happens.

Boquinha said...

For the record, my favorite late night host is Craig Ferguson. He is SO funny.

kristenhcubed said...

I love your randomness. Random posts are my favorite!

Anonymous said...

In summary, Pat Robertson, Jay Leno, and the Jonas brothers are all morons.

Shawn said...

One final thought about this post:
Why did you choose to justify the type to the right? Make me feel very off balance.

Good comments. I think this shows corporate greed at its finest.

Boquinha said...

Jimmy, I love it when you comment. Your comments make me laugh out loud (literally!).

Shawn, I right justified because that's what my SIL Emily does with her random thoughts and I like it. But I think it looks doofy on mine and better on hers, because my random thoughts are kind of long (no matter how I try) . . .