Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Lisa called this morning to let us know that Chelsea Clinton is in town at our local university (yes, the one 2 minutes down the street). Lisa couldn't make it but thought Christy and I would love to go. I called Christy. Sure enough, she would have LOVED to go, but couldn't. I wasn't keen on going by myself with the kids (Mark's had a full slate of patients this afternoon). So, we didn't go.

I'm not a Hillary supporter, but I do like Chelsea and am impressed with her and I think it would've been neat to see her in person and learn more about her mother's campaign.

I'm still for Obama as a leader--I believe in him as a leader and don't feel he has to have answers on every issues on his platform so long as he has the leadership abilities to inspire and lead and make desperately-needed changes.

I'm so excited that PA counts in the primaries!! Mark's heard on the news that over 60,000 people have switched their registered parties in PA in order to be able to vote in this year's presidential primaries. How exciting! We've switched for that reason as well, though we'll likely keep ourselves registered as Democrats anyway. I mean, McCain? Hell, no.

So, anyway, we're on the hunt for an Obama rally. Who knows, maybe we'll even get T-shirts. :P Christy and Logan are joining us. Probably Lisa, too. So, if you hear of any local Obama stops, please comment or call and let us know! Thanks! :)

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