Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Memorial Day Parade

We live in the coolest town! It's not too small, not too big, and such a throwback to how things used to be. It's enchanting!

The Mechams invited us and the Laudermilchs over to watch the parade from their front lawn and enjoy the most amazing breakfast spread that they and their neighbors put together--a TON of food!

The parade was great (and the biggest in PA!) and it was nice to get back from DC and enjoy this with our friends. And this parade makes Halloween look like a full-time job. You simply sit and they literally throw candy at you! Lots of fun as kids grab and catch candy and fill their bags delightfully!

M hangs out with the librarians --smart kid, he got LOADS of candy with little kid competition on that side of the street!

The PA beauty queens complimenting K on her dance moves and telling her she should be up on their float!

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