Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Me and My Father-in-law

My Father-in-law is a thespian, so this format is just for him. :)

Setting: Gorgeous day; Resting on a bench in a beautiful park and admiring the scenery here in rural PA; Hanging out with my in-laws . . .

My Father-in-law (pondering): You know what word I'd use to describe where Mark and his family live? (Thoughtful pause as we all wait expectantly) . . . Green.

(My Mother-in-law nods in acknowledgment of his remark).

Me: How about Idyllic?

My Father-in-law (considering me for a second and laughing): No, I'd still say "Green." See, I'm an accountant and you're a Humanities Major. You say Idyllic. I say Green.


Emily said...

heh heh heh. good one.

terahreu said...

cute, very cute.

Jillo said...

That's pretty funny. Kent will like that one.

J Fo said...

Ha! So typical of both of you!

Gary Foley said...

It's fun to hear how other people see you. And thank you for the "thespian" format. By the way, I'm in another play - "The Secret Garden". Yes, I did this before but this time I'm playing Ben, the gardner - complete with a Yorkshire accent. Or at least, I'm trying to develop the accent. You will have to hear from Vivian about how it's coming.

Boquinha said...

I know--I love the word "idyllic!" It's such a perfect word for certain things!

Congrats on the new role! That sounds like a fun one. Maybe not for Vivian, though, if you're always walking around the house mumbling in some cockney accent! :P ;)

April (Thorup) Oaks said...

Ha ha. This is perfect for Gary. Hi Gary!!! I wish I could see one of your plays. Maybe one day.