"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anais Nin
We've been busy with home projects and taxes and we've had a few late nights in a row around here. I enjoyed a great girls night out with Den and Kim at Friendly's (sorry, no picture). Yes, we stayed past closing. Again. :P Next night, we rather impulsively took some friends up on an offer and had a yummy dinner-for-breakfast dinner and a few games of Settlers of Catan! Very fun. We laughed the entire night--they're really fun and sarcastic and not-at-all stuffy. (Again, no picture). The next night, we attended a surprise 25th anniversary party for our dear friends--their oldest daughter had us in on the secret weeks ago. It was a beautiful party and they were both surprised and very touched. It was a very fun time and we so enjoy getting to know more of their friends, there are so many good people in the community!! (They have pictures). :P
Like we've mentioned, we're celebrating K's birthday in MA and bringing my Mom back with us. Well, our friends (the ones celebrating the anniversary) are celebrating with a honeymoon in Newport, RI. And, they've decided to stay an extra day and enjoy some MA sight-seeing, too!! So, they're staying at my parents' condo for the extra night and we all get to spend an evening with them together! How fun is that?!
So, their AWESOME kids have been helping us feel officially moved in!! Seriously, this is the first time in months that we've felt moved in! I told their Mom this (remember, they're our neighbors, too) and she excitedly said, "Welcome to the neighborhood!". They've helped us clear out a couple of rooms of moving boxes and everything looks SO GOOD!! I feel so pumped!! These pictures are for their portfolio. K, M, and the 3 teens/almost teens took lots of loads to the 3rd floor with us!!
Coloring Easter Eggs
M is reading LIKE CRAZY!! He's reading everything he sees, everything he can get his hands on. We're working on phonics and blends. He's done great with "sh" and "ch" and we're working on "th!" He's doing such a great job and is so proud of himself!
Scott and Lindsay, don't be alarmed at the magnet holding up your picture--that's not at all in reference to you! :P That's our funny Scrubs Magnet. Be flattered.
love that quote!
hurray for maxim! i'm so impressed!
Thanks, Em!
This is hilarious--I've noticed how good you are at spotting things in pictures (you notice details, stuff in the background, etc.). I thought for sure you'd say something about the fridge magnet! :P I've added something to the post for when Lindsay sees it!
Who knows, the quote on the magnet really could refer to them, (or Scott). Maybe all Foley boys don't have Greg's digestion issues. lol
Stacy, I just wanted to say thank you so much for the book that you and Mark sent us. That was so thoughful and I do want to assure you that I do know how to read! I can't wait to dive in to it!
ROTFL at your comment about Greg's digestion issues!! Good payback on his email to us about you and reading. :P
Yay! I'm so glad you got it!! We *love* that book--it's so compassionate and loving. There are some scary books out there--we've seen one that literally teaches you how to "control" and "train" your children as if they were dogs! They even STATE that!! We have always felt good about that book--we love it. All of his stuff is great. So, you're very welcome! :) Sorry for the delay. We're playing major catch up on that sort of thing. It's been a crazy past few months/years. Next on the list is a wedding present for Scott and Lindsay! :P
Hey...Im just flattered that we are still on your fridge!!
Great pictures! Why didn't I get an advanced screening? ;)
You ARE on our fridge! I'm thinking we may have to get a picture of Greg and put the magnet on him, though. Maybe we can get a Philly magnet for you guys. :D Heheheh.
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