Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Kid Interviews

On 9/30/08 for our morning homeschool starter, we did a little spotlight devotional about the kids. I dressed up as a newspaper reporter with the word "PRESS" on my hat. I told them they'd just become famous and I wanted to do an interview. They were to answer as themselves for the purpose of the interview. Here are their answers--they started by giving me their full names:

Thing 2 (5 years old)

How many people are in your family? Four.
What is your favorite color? Gray.
What is your favorite thing to eat? Pizza.
What do you dislike eating? Octopus.
If you had $100, what would you spend it on? Everything that I've always wanted.
What scares you the most? Shadows and Big Dogs.
What things make you laugh? Potty Talk!
Name something that makes you feel sad. I don't know.
If you could have any wish come true, what would it be? To have a real magic wand.
What can you do really well? Races, Biking on 2-wheelers, skateboarding, petting cute doggies .
What is the best thing about how you look? I don't really think about how I look; I think about playing.
What do you want to do when you grow up? Owner of a Donut Shop.
What great thing did you do to become so famous? I have the best donuts.

Thing 1 (8 years old)

How many people are in your family? Four.
What is your favorite color? Yellow.
What is your favorite thing to eat? Sushi.
What do you dislike eating? Peanuts.
If you had $100, what would you spend it on? A toy car you can ride and books in a series.
What scares you the most? Big dogs in our backyard.
What things make you laugh? Maxim!
Name something that makes you feel sad. When Vavo died.
If you could have any wish come true, what would it be? Two things: 1.To have wings
2. To bring back your Vavo and Vavo and my Vavo
What can you do really well? Ride my bike, ice skate, read, cooking, writing
What is the best thing about how you look? My hair.
What do you want to do when you grow up? Owner/Cook of a restaurant and an author.
What great thing did you do to become so famous? I wrote a lot of good books.

They were very quick with the answers to what makes you laugh and what do you like best about yourself and I think that's great!

Notes to self: Quit making octopus in peanut sauce and build the fence around our backyard!!


Rebecca said...

I love the comment about the dog!! That doesn'th have anything to do with my big beast I hope:)

Emily said...

maxim's answer to the question about how he looks made me laugh out loud. this is very cute! and tell kate we saw a car that you ride on at costco yesterday....and $100 only covers 1/3 of the cost. bummer. Isaac wants one so bad.

J Fo said...

Big bummer about having to cut the Peanutty Octopus out of the family diet! I'm not sure if I could make that sacrifice! ;-)

Chelle said...

Your kids are at the perfect ages to get awesome answers. I love their creativity!

Come to think of it, my kids must be at the perfect ages to do this little activity as well. I am so going to do this with my kids. I love the little interview sheets their teachers have sent home in the past, but we haven't gotten any since Kindergarten.

Sushi and pizza huh? Seems like I've heard that somewhere before. Verrry interesting. Hmmmm...

Looking forward to The Office tomorrow!

Boquinha said...

Your dog IS a very big beast, Rebecca!! And he's terrified of it! (Is your dog bigger than I am??)

Ugh, Emily. We've been telling our kids that Santa is getting hit by the economic downturn, too. :P

Jessica, I know, eh? Just teasing--we don't usually make those things TOGETHER. :P

Rachelle, I'm hoping to get over to your blog tonight. I'm so behind. I love this addiction, though. :)

Yeah, Sushi and Pizza. You're very astute. Mmmmmm.

Did you see it? Did you see it? We heart The Office. LOVE it. I love Jim and Dwight's interaction this week.